Here's what you'll get:

60+ digital recordings of indigenous interviews, expert sessions, and live panel discussions, accessible through our private Member’s area

20+ hours of bonus digital trainings, meditations, and guided journeys from thought leaders, experts, and teachers

4 Original Plant Medicine Films, exclusively produced by EntheoNation: Condor Eagle: Alliances to Heal, The Guidance of Yajé - Ancestral Siekopai Medicine, Novo Futuro - Huni Kuin Renaissance, and the Art of Hapé in the Brazilian Amazon.

Can Psychedelics Heal the World? A Handbook for Culture Creators - your top-level view of the new frontier of mental health

Subscription to the EntheoNation newsletter, with consciousness-raising content, transformational retreat invitations, and course offerings

Plus you'll receive these special bonuses:

Ethnobotanical Apothecary - Discounts On Ethnobotanicals & Shamanic Accessories

Ancestral Wisdom Bundle - The Ancestral Wisdom Bundle takes you on a deep dive of Indigenous medicine traditions with insightful interviews from tribal leaders around the world.

Becoming a Bridgekeeper Bundle - The Becoming a Bridgekeeper Bundle explores how the psychedelic renaissance affects indigenous cultures and what you can do to maintain sacred balance and reciprocity.

Plant Medicine Advocacy Bundle - The Plant Medicine Advocacy Bundle is a tailored collection of in-depth interviews that takes you on an exploration the blossoming plant medicine movement.

The Psychedelic Business Bundle, which is a collection of expert perspectives on different career opportunities emerging in the psychedelic sector, and what it takes to establish a thriving vocation in the Psychedelic Renaissance.

The Tribe - A free inner-circle tier that includes access to all the above bundles plus a rich community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for psychedelics and plant medicine.

Here's what others have to say:
There was valuable information for seasoned voyagers and newbies alike. The speakers all had valuable insights from their years of experience working with entheogens and the topics covered were diverse and inclusive. The highlight for me was to see the underlying cohesion of emerging shamanic & entheogenic culture and gaining a better understanding of its scope. Hours of intriguing listening to be sure!
Plant Spirit Summit Attendant
This was the highlight of my year! I was blown away by the quality of the content and the integrity of the program, with a diverse array of captivating speakers. It was an incredible gift to learn directly from master medicine practitioners all over the world. It helped me to better understand my own calling and deepen my relationship with the plant teachers in my personal journey, and each talk left me feeling excited and inspired to learn more. This was a huge service to the medicines and to Pachamama at a time when this work is entering mainstream consciousness like never before.
Plant Spirit Summit Attendant
Very informative series that gave me a new perspective on everything ranging from counseling, plant medicine business aspects, environmental concerns, medical issues, kick ass connections and free gifts from the vanguard of the industry... all from the comfort of my own home.
Plant Spirit Summit Attendant
Innovative, insightful and enjoyable. A great opportunity to learn more about the past, present and future of shamanism and the use of psychedelic plant medicines. It was such a joy to witness the open sharing of information and the push to educate and uplift the community. Whether you're interested in traditional practices, modern research or just want to learn more about how the path of shamanism can help you in your own life, this course has much to offer and is a great source of knowledge and inspiration for the journey.
Plant Spirit Summit Attendant
I was enamoured by the course due to Lorna’s intellect, her comprehension of the vast array of topics she covered and her ability to connect with shamanic perspectives from so many different walks of life. Her interviews were able to bring out the best in all of her guests for listeners to enjoy. It was a wonderful experience to be part of such a gathering of entheogenic practitioners and other complementary modalities. Lorna’s broad spectrum of knowledge and hard work were evident in the quality product that she produced. At a time of global emergence of the use of entheogenic substances, this topic, and the responsible and ethical use of entheogenic substances, is perhaps of greater relevance than ever before.
Plant Spirit Summit Attendant
I was very impressed with the knowledge of presenters. I could tell they were speaking from their heart and have a genuine love for others who are still searching. I will be anxiously awaiting the next event and hope to learn even more. Thank you so much for your hard work. One love, always.
Plant Spirit Summit Attendant
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The Plant Spirit Summit All Access Pass - Special Offer

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Special Offer
Special one-time offer, only $47!

Would you like to take part in a global, synchronized hapé medicine ceremony? Join our live Hapé ceremony with Aluna Lua as a powerful way to conclude the Plant Spirit Summit. 

Add this special offer to your All-Access-Pass and get your hapé medicine shipped to you in time for the closing ceremony. Practice administering hapé medicine and host your own circle on the last day of the event.

What You'll Get:

On-demand access to the Hapé Medicine Online Initiation & Facilitation Video Course

Course presentation slides

Self & Other Practical Demonstration Video

An exclusive mini-documentary - The Art of Hapé in the Brazilian Amazon

A 10% off coupon code for hapé products purchased from EntheoNation partner vendors

EntheoNation's Modern Shamanic Guide to Sacred Amazonian Snuff 

Aluna Lua’s Hapé Song & Vocal Activation Ebook

... and more!

Yes, add the offer to my order!$47.00
  • Total payment
  • 1xPlant Spirit Summit 2024 Upgrade$197

All prices in USD

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