Discover Healing & Transformation In the Psychedelic Renaissance

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Yes, add The Safe Ceremony Research Toolkit to my order!

Special one-time offer, only $37!
This research toolkit aims to provide you with a comprehensive research methodology for finding and screening prospective providers of psychedelic ceremonies, sessions and retreats. While the information is primarily oriented towards navigating the rapidly growing ayahuasca industry, you can apply these methodologies towards researching any psychedelic provider.

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The summit was the highlight of my year! I was blown away by the quality of the content and the integrity of the program, with a diverse array of captivating speakers. It was an incredible gift to learn directly from master medicine practitioners all over the world. It helped me to better understand my own calling and deepen my relationship with the plant teachers in my personal journey, and each talk left me feeling excited and inspired to learn more. This was a huge service to the medicines and to Pachamama at a time when this work is entering mainstream consciousness like never before.
Tara R
Satisfied Customer
Here's what included:

50+ digital recordings of the entire series

Novo Futuro - Huni Kuin Renaissance

The Psychedelic Medicine Primer 

The Ultimate Guides Series

20+ hours of bonus digital trainings

Bonus #1: Ethnobotanical Apothecary Freebies & Discounts

Bonus #2: The Ultimate Guides to Natural Psychedelics

Bonus #3: Harm Reduction Toolkit

Bonus #4: Psychedelic & Plant Medicine Career Advisor

Bonus #5: Microdosing at Home Bundle

Retail Value = $297

Today's Price = $77
  • Total payment
  • 1xPlant Spirit Summit One-Time Offer$77

All prices in USD
